Supplier Code of Conduct
As an edible oil manufacturer, we, Unitata have an important responsibility to ensure the safety and quality of our products. We are committed to ensure the sustainability of the palm oil sector and to encourage sustainable practices in all areas of our supply chain.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct reflects our commitment to conducting business in an ethical, legal, and responsible manner. We expect the same or similar commitments from our suppliers and collaborating parties in their supply chain. We strive to do business with responsible suppliers who treat their employees with respect and dignity, comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Suppliers must comply with the legal requirements and standards of its industry based on all applicable laws and maintain documentation and records demonstrating compliance with such laws and the requirements of this or a similar Supplier Code. Suppliers are responsible for educating and monitoring collaborating parties in their supply chain.
Should a supplier fail to comply with the requirements of this Supplier Code of Conduct, Unitata will work with that supplier to create an action plan with time-bound commitments. If suppliers fail to show genuine remediation requirements, Unitata will as a last resort, terminate commercial relationships with the supplier. Suppliers that live up to our Code of Conduct or who have a similar code of conduct will be a preferred choice as a business partner to Unitata.
Code of ethics and governance
Suppliers shall commit to adhere to ethical, honest, and transparent business practices and governance
Human and workers’ rights
Suppliers shall adhere to the best human resource practices which respects universal human rights as laid out in the UN Guiding Principle on Human Rights and Business.
Child Labour
Suppliers shall not use child labour as defined by the national laws in the country of operation. Suppliers shall not employ individuals below the age of 18.
Voluntary Employment
Suppliers must hire employees on a voluntary basis and does not use any form of slave, bonded, prison or forced labour or engage in any other forms of human trafficking.
Freedom of Association / Collective Bargaining
Suppliers shall respect the rights of employees to form and join trade unions and bargain collectively in a lawful and peaceful manner subject to and in accordance with applicable law.
Migrant Labour/Guest Workers
Suppliers recognizes the unique legal, social and cultural situations that migrant workers/guest workers face and will ensure that such workers are treated with dignity, respect and in accordance with the same standards as apply to local workers.
Abuse, Harassment and Disciplinary Action
Suppliers shall not engage in physical, mental, verbal, sexual or any other abuse, inhumane or any other form of harassment. Supplier shall treat all employees with respect and dignity and complies with local legislation on disciplinary practices.
Suppliers’ terms and conditions of employment including hiring, training, working conditions, compensation, benefits, or promotions are based on individual’s qualifications, performance, skills and experience.
Compensation and benefits
Suppliers shall fairly compensate all employees by providing wages and benefits in accordance with all applicable laws.
Working hours
Suppliers shall comply with all applicable laws regarding normal working hours, rest periods and overtime hours.
Health and Safety
Suppliers shall commit to secure the safety and health of all their employees at work and strive to maintain a safe and healthy working environment. Supplier shall comply with all applicable laws pertaining to health and safety in the workplace.
Suppliers shall comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and continuously strive to improve environmental performance.
Responsible Agricultural Practices
Oil palm plantation based suppliers shall commit to Responsible Agricultural Practices and strive towards finding the right balance between Economic, Social and Environmental aspects of business. These suppliers shall commit to the following principles:-
- No deforestation
- No new development on peat soils
- Reduction of Green House Gasses (GHG)
- Increased focused and respect for local and indigenous communities including small holders and benefit of their socio-economic development.
Suppliers shall work towards a traceable palm oil supply chain by providing the origin of their palm products in line with the industry accepted methodology. Suppliers shall update their origin of palm sources on an annual basis to ensure transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain.
Traceability to Plantation (TTP)
Palm Oil and Palm Kernel Oil delivered to Unitata is traceable to the supply base of the identified palm oil mill including:
- Organized Plantations (> 40.46ha/100 acres): Parent company names, estates names, certification status, GPS coordinate, estimated volume of FFB supply to the mill, oil palm planted area and shapefile concession map (Polygon).
- Smallholders (< 40.46ha/100 acres): Smallholders names, certification status, GPS coordinate, estimated volume of FFB supply to the mill and shapefile concession map (Polygon for Smallholders > 4ha).
- Dealers (comprises of indirect smallholders): Dealer names, Smallholder’s names, certification status, GPS coordinate, estimated volume of FFB supply to the mill.
Date: 1st November 2023
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Unitata Berhad (10769-H) - Jendarata Estate - 36009 Teluk Intan Perak Darul Ridzuan - Malaysia.
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