Sustainably Certified and Segregated Palm
and Palm Kernel solutions
In autumn 2010, Unitata refinery went through the extensive process of becoming RSPO Supply Chain Certified. The RSPO cooperates with the traceability service provider, UTZ, in certifying down stream manufacturers to handle RSPO certified palm oil in the refining processes.
The Supply Chain Certification is the buyers’ and consumers’ guarantee that the palm oil or palm kernel oil used in the production of goods actually comes from the claimed RSPO source. Unitata is sourcing certified segregated sustainable palm oil from United Plantations only. This guarantees customers that their products are traceable right back to the oil palm field.
Unitata received as one of the first refineries in the world its Supply Chain Certification by 31st December 2010 and has since been delivering first class Sustainably Certified and Segregated palm and palm kernel solutions to customers worldwide. Our total segregated quantity available is 180,000 MT of palm oil and 45,000 Mt of palm kernels.
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Unitata Berhad (10769-H) - Jendarata Estate - 36009 Teluk Intan Perak Darul Ridzuan - Malaysia.
All rights reserved. Unitata is a registered trademark and part of UP - United Plantations Berhad. Terms condition, features, availability and general are subject to change without notice.