Unitata is committed towards food safety and high quality sustainably certified and traceable palm oil products thereby ensuring our customer’s satisfaction and continuous support in line with our Quality Policy as follows:-
”Total commitment to quality in oder to ensure our customer’s satisfaction and continuous commitment to Unitata’s reputation as a manufacturer of high quality oil palm products which are safe for human consumption, authentic and meets the statutory and legal requirements of the customer”.
As a fully-owned subsidiary of United Plantations, Unitata is renowned for their strong foundation and long standing reputation for being a producer of high quality certified sustainable and traceable palm oil products. Situated within the vicinity of UP’s estates, Unitata forms a part of the fully integrated palm oil and palm kernel oil refining complex with the unique feature of controlling the major portion of its supply chain from the incoming raw materials right from the palm trees to the ocean-going shipments of processed oils and packed products.
Unitata is also comitted to continuous investment in the latest process technology and high-end sophisticated analytical equipment providing accurate and timing controls to ensure customer satisfaction on high quality and food safety.
Unitata shall conduct its operations in accordance to the requirements of Quality Management System MS ISO 9001: 2015 Quality System and British Retail Consortium (BRC) Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 7. Unitata supports the implementation of Quality Management System through continual internal and external audits as well as trainings.
As a responsible refiner and food manufacturer, Unitata has obtained numerous local and international certifications thereby complying with all internal and external food safety regulatory and quality requirements. In addition, Unitata constantly updates its manufacturing processes and establishes a strict quality assurance process to ensure safety of our products.
Dato’ Carl Bek Nielsen
Director In-Charge
Date: 24th February 2020
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Unitata Berhad (10769-H) - Jendarata Estate - 36009 Teluk Intan Perak Darul Ridzuan - Malaysia.
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