CUSTOMISED palm oil solutions
Palm oil is one of the most used vegetable oils in the world. With its balanced fatty acid composition and its high content of natural vitamins, it can be used for a variety of purposes and is found in a multitude of products from chocolate bars, bread and biscuits, baby foods and snacks to beauty soaps, candles and detergents.
Unitata produces a range of customized palm oil solutions, suitable for different customer requirements. All our palm oil products are made from RSPO certified sustainable palm oil sourced from our own plantations, which ensures full segregation and traceability.
Our range of certified sustainable palm products include:
- Palm Oil Products
- Lauric Oil Products
- Speciality Oils and Fats
- Niche products
Unitata Berhad (10769-H) - Jendarata Estate - 36009 Teluk Intan Perak Darul Ridzuan - Malaysia.
All rights reserved. Unitata is a registered trademark and part of UP - United Plantations Berhad. Terms condition, features, availability and general are subject to change without notice.