We at Unitata are committed to maintaining a workplace free from harassment on any kind, including harassment based on employee’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status and sexual orientation. In line with the policy, we shall:
Endeavour to prevent sexual harassment and all other forms of violence against women and workers in the workplace or in the course of an employee’s work.
Adopt a specific complaints and grievance procedure and mechanism to address gender-based issue.
Encourage effective participation of women in decision-making by their representation as members of various committees, such as the Occupational Safety And Health Committee.
Establish a Gender Committee to implement and monitor the policy.
Protect the Reproductive Rights and Motherhood responsibilities of women as under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and labour laws.
Strive to commit to our employees, contractors and suppliers to adhere to values of this policy.
Dato’ Carl Bek-Nielsen
Director In-Charge
Date: 15th April 2018
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