The Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil
The RSPO Principles and Criteria(P&C) are a set of stringent standards for sustainable palm oil production, which RSPO members must comply with. In line with ISEAL Alliance best practices, the P&C are reviewed every five years and subsequently submitted for ratification by the General Assembly of RSPO. Now in its third cycle, the P&C 2018 was ratified and adopted at the 15th Annual General Assembly(GA15) by RSPO members on 15 November,2018 . It comprises seven(7) principles which was categorized into three(3) impact goals as follows:
Impact Goal - Prosperity: Competitive, resilient and sustainable sector Principle 1: Behave ethically and transparently Principle 2: Operate legally and respect rights Principle 3: Optimise productivity, efficiency, positive impacts and resilience & supply chain requirements for mills
Impact Goal - People: Sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction Principle 4: Respect community and human rights and deliver benefits Principle 5: Support smallholder inclusion Principle 6: Respect workers' rights and conditions
Impact Goal - Planet: Conserved , protected and enhanced ecosystems that provide for the next generation Principle 7: Protect, conserve and enhance ecosystems and the environment
Adherence to No Deforestation, No New Development on Peat and No Exploitation of People and Local Communities (NDPE) Policy
Our commitments are incorporated in our Environment and Biodiversity Policy as well as our Human Rights Policy of United Plantations Berhad. We ensure our employees, contractors, suppliers (including direct and independent/third party), trading partners, scheme smallholders (plasma) and associated stakeholders live up to these commitments
The overview of our NDPE commitments are as follows:
No Deforestation | No New Development on Peat | No Exploitation of People and Local Communities |
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